
Selasa, 14 September 2010

Salutations to Hazrat Fatima ( as )

In The Name Of Allah, The Most Compassionate, The Merciful
O Allah! Send your blessings to the head of your Messengers and the
Last of your Prophets Muhammad ( saw ),
and his pure and cleansed progeny.

In memory of the Chief of the Women of Paradise
Hazrat Fatima Az Zahra ( as )

Peace be upon you, Oh daughter of the Messenger of Allah !
Peace be upon you, Oh daughter of the possesor of outstanding merit
above all Prophets and messengers and angels !
Peace be upon you, Oh Leader of the Women of the Worlds.
Peace be upon you, Oh Wife of the Vicegrent of Allah !
Peace be upon you, Oh mother of Hasan and Hussein, the Leaders of the
Youth of Paradise !
Peace be upon you, Oh most truthful and martyr.
Peace be upon you, who was pleased to resign to the will of Allah and Allah
was pleased with you.
Peace be upon you, Oh possesor of outstanding merit of above others,
and the pure.
Peace be upon you, who is holy and guarded herself against sins !
Peace be opon you, who is knowledable and an authority on traditions of
the Prophet.
Peace be upon you, who was subjedted to anger and oppression.
Peace be upon you, Oh Fatima, daughter of the Messenger of Allah, and May
Allah have mercy on you and bless you. 


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